For my first post with actual content, let's go with some fresh hockey news despite the fact that I abhor the Canucks. Never liked Ryan Kesler's antics but he carried the Canucks on his back for portions of the playoffs when others didn't show up *cough* SedinsLuongo *cough* and I can admire that.
The labrum of the hip, or the acetabular labrum, is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the hip joint and helps with stabilization. It deepens the "socket" portion of the joint making it more difficult for the femur to slip out (coincidentally this is pretty much Wikipedia says in its article). The hip, like the shoulder, is a joint with lots of flexibility and range of motion. With these types of joints, what you gain in flexibility you often lose in stability. The labrum helps counteract this instability. (the shoulder also has a labrum)
I am GUESSING that Kesler tore his labrum at some point in the playoffs (was it the end of the Nashville series where he pulled up lame after chasing the puck?).
Many fans are probably asking why he didn't go for surgery immediately after the playoffs. With labral tears, conservative treatment (i.e. physical therapy/rehab + rest) is used first to see if symptoms of the tear abate. Only if symptoms continue despite rehab is surgery offered. Surgery involves either the repair (sewing up of the labrum) or a resection, where the torn piece is removed.
Wikipedia (sketch of hip)

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